This function creates a bar plot for simple (no bootstraps) Over-Representation Analysis (ORA) results, indicating the significance of terms based on a q-value cutoff.
The function creates a bar plot where the terms are reordered by their scores in descending order. Bars are colored based on whether the term's score is above or below the negative log10 of the q-value cutoff. A dashed line indicates the cutoff for significance.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
bg = Load_background(mol_type = "Metabo",bg_type = "main_class",feature_type = "sf")
enrich_res = Run_simple_ORA(marker_list = example_ORA_markers,background = bg)
p = barplot_ORA_simple(enrich_res, q_val_cutoff = 0.2)
} # }