simple_fgsea calls a simple fGSEA from the fgsea package
- pathways
List of metabolite sets to check.
- stats
Named vector of metabolite-level stats. Names should be the same as in 'pathways'
- minSize
Minimal size of a metabolite set to test. All pathways below the threshold are excluded.
- maxSize
Maximal size of a metabolite set to test. All pathways above the threshold are excluded.
- eps
This parameter sets the boundary for calculating the p value.
- scoreType
This parameter defines the GSEA score type. Possible options are ("std", "pos", "neg")
- nPermSimple
Number of permutations in the simple fgsea implementation for preliminary estimation of P-values
A table with GSEA results. Each row corresponds to a tested pathway. The columns are the following:
pathway – name of the pathway as in
;pval – an enrichment p-value;
padj – a BH-adjusted p-value;
ES – enrichment score, same as in Broad GSEA implementation;
NES – enrichment score normalized to mean enrichment of random samples of the same size;
-- a number of times a random gene set had a more extreme enrichment score value; \item size -- size of the pathway after removing genes not present in
names(stats)`.leadingEdge – vector with indexes of leading edge genes that drive the enrichment, see
bg = list("Term_A" = paste0("mol_", sample(100,20)),"Term_B" = paste0("mol_", sample(100,20)))
mol_ranks = runif(10, -3, 3)
names(mol_ranks) = sample(unique(unlist(bg)), 10)
mol_ranks = mol_ranks[order(mol_ranks)]
simple_fgsea(pathways = bg, stats = mol_ranks, minSize = 3, scoreType = "std")
#> pathway pval padj ES NES nMoreExtreme size
#> <char> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <int>
#> 1: Term_A 0.1056338 0.1108696 0.8000000 1.489072 59 5
#> 2: Term_B 0.1108696 0.1108696 -0.7664702 -1.452191 50 5
#> leadingEdge
#> <list>
#> 1: mol_45,mol_55,mol_79,mol_84,mol_73
#> 2: mol_53,mol_7,mol_96,mol_70